It has been so long since i updated this blog. Thousand apologies for those who kept viewing my blog. I am unable to provide just enough time for myself to update any information though i have a lot to share. Plus, the internet is not in a good condition.
This time, i would like to share some of my future plan. Ive been thinking about this for along time. Last Tuesday, my team LC (Lakar Citra) Design Enterprise entered into Innova Business Planning (BS) Competition. My team and other two team was chosen from 12 competitors as the best three group to present our BS.
Alhamdulillah, my team was nominated as the best Business Planning Group. Hey, we won first place, who would think that a bunch of Law student manage to overcome other student from various faculty in business (haha, some say law students are suck at math...). This is when i finally decide that i should make a precise planning of my life to succeed in the future.
This maybe foolish to some student, but nothing is wrong to try. We are not going to lose anything. This is generally what i think i may achieve for the next 10 years.
1) Already Perform Hajj
2) Having a capacity to support my family ( father + mother + brothers )
3) Having a Stable financial job
4) Pursuing my study in M.A level after 4-5 years of practicing
5) Friends :
Group of Lawyers
Group of Lecturers
Group of Muslims Activist
Group of Muslims scientist ( in ict and food industry )
Group of Mufti
A Sabahan Teacher
An Engineer from North Korea
A Doctor graduated from Cairo
A Singaporean Entrepreneur
A Qari' From Syubra Eqypt
* the list is not exhaustive
Allah swt had states in the Holy Quran:
و مكروا و مكر الله والله خير الماكرين
" they will plan what ever they want and Allah will also plan, and you should know that Allah is the best planner "
Thus we should plan our life and try to achieve what we plan. May Allah bless everything that plan and shall be reward accordingly.
hey friends,wherever u go,dont forget us,ur blogger friends..they still have the same url till die.cheers!hehe
tahniah utk kejayaan besar tu!
serius kagum bakal lawyers got the best planning 4 bussiness! haha
maybe u can share ur secret recipe in making the project.keep going! :)
salam dilah,
kalau share, tak jadilah secret recipe....hehe
tanye encik leman, untuk maklumat lanjut, coz dier team leader
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