Currently, iam using Sony Ericson k800i. This is a gift from my father on my 19th anniversary. With 3.2 megapixel cybershot camera, it can be considered the best camera i ever have. Pursuant to my hobby of photographing, this help a lot because it is very handy. This is several picture that i would like to share. it was taken between December 2009 up to February 2010.
Ayah is doing overtime job again. This is the reason why should i study harder.
The beach and my brother cannot be separated...
Brothers in arm, hope everyone of us will be together always
The day of registering our MPPs, Gambatte dayo!!!
This is the Malaysian next top Leader
Ordinary view of my study table. Everything was done here.
Assignment, games, and some plagiarism....
Every week routine, presenting case in front of class.
I snatch this picture during Law Professor program...
We are suppose to search for evidence of criminal case around FSU compound.
My favorite picture, this shall happen to some person when they become old, you will be left alone in this world.
And some time they may mistakenly take your car... what a weirdo
This photo was taken the day i visit my grandfather kubur at Tumpat...
Allahumma ighfir jaddi...
My mother habit of wasting some time... baking some cake for her customer
Latest project, Alesya Birthday...
Me and my team are participating in Phillip C Jessup Mooting competition.
Held in UKM on 27 March 2010
Eventually, i was impliedly appointed as judge every time they practice.
(when our coach is not around)
It came out that i am a strict judge with a lot of queries
Eventhough we lost, but still we manage to defeat UKM's team. Nice try....
Next Law Asia competition is coming
Salam Bobo,
Aku fh bengang ngan Sony, ni dh msuk 2 kali ak tkaq hnset sony weh. 1st K600i..pastu jem, xdan smpai setaun. Ak tkaq K800 yg kamera 3.2 MP ni dh 2 kl prob. Mampuih ikut dan dia ja...
Mgkn ni ujian Allah kt ak kut...bnyk wat dosa ngan hnset. Dsbbkn tu jgaklh bnyk keja ak terbantut. No hlg dan sbgnya, pastu ad plak dok pekena ak, mentang2 ak hlg no...ish3
p/s: maybe i should forget to have another Sony Ericsson...
salam madnot,
my phone is a gift for my birthday. mine is original one even though it is a second hand. (originally it belong to my father)
some how people will treasure thing they get by gift and not the thing they get by money transaction.
anyway, sony ericson is my most favored one.
Nokia is better than Sony Ericsson.lalala~
Tp cantiklah gmbr2 yg diambil.. :D
Maybe it is true that nokia is better then sony, it is not fair for me to compare between both with out trying nokia first.
thanks for ur compliments....
ride On.. FooOOOooo!!!
Ride on you SLC"s scum...
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